Babies and Kids

Following good habits from the get-go will set your children up for better dental health as they get older.

Encouraging healthy teeth in children is not just about having a beautiful smile. Your children need healthy teeth to chew and speak properly. Pedro offers the following tips for keeping your child’s teeth strong.

  • Only put unsweetened milk, breast milk or formula in your baby’s bottle.
  • Make sure your child finishes their bottle before putting them to bed.
  • Never dip a dummy in sugar or honey, and refrain from putting it in your own mouth to clean it before giving it to your child.
  • Encourage your child to drink from a cup from the age of one.
  • Discourage prolonged use of a beaker.
  • Serve water and healthy snacks from a young age.
  • Limit your child’s sugar intake.
  • Teach your child the connection between healthy eating and healthy teeth.

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meet patro

El Dr. Pedro es un ortodoncista especializado. Su práctica gira en torno a aparatos ortopédicos, aparatos ortopédicos y alineadores invisibles. Tiene mucha experiencia en el uso del sistema Damon y está certificado por Invisalign, Inman aligner y Harmony.

Publicó en revistas internacionales de ortodoncia (REO) y trabaja activamente en nuevas investigaciones. Ha completado cientos de casos y le gusta fotografiar cada caso para documentar las mejoras y la pasión que aporta a la apariencia de los pacientes.