Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is the collective name for a range of healthy habits that work together to prevent tooth decay and damage that can lead to common dental problems.

The cleaning regimen you follow at home is the mainstay of proper dental hygiene. This includes the correct techniques for brushing, flossing and using mouthwash.

Seeing a dental hygienist regularly is another critical aspect of your routine. A bi-annual visit will help you maintain excellent oral hygiene with a deep clean to remove calculus deposits and scrape away hardened plaque. The hygienist will also conduct a professional examination of the general health of your mouth, teeth and gums, alerting you to any warning signs of potential problems.

While you are responsible for day-to-day dental maintenance, your hygienist can help you take your dental hygiene to the next level.

How to brush

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meet patro

El Dr. Pedro es un ortodoncista especializado. Su práctica gira en torno a aparatos ortopédicos, aparatos ortopédicos y alineadores invisibles. Tiene mucha experiencia en el uso del sistema Damon y está certificado por Invisalign, Inman aligner y Harmony.

Publicó en revistas internacionales de ortodoncia (REO) y trabaja activamente en nuevas investigaciones. Ha completado cientos de casos y le gusta fotografiar cada caso para documentar las mejoras y la pasión que aporta a la apariencia de los pacientes.