Six Month Smile®

Six Month Smiles® and Fastbraces® are two companies that provide materials and guidance for dentists with a limited knowledge of orthodontics to help them perform what they consider to be “easy” orthodontic treatments.

The names of these companies and their marketing often lead patients to think their problem can be solved with a quick fix. The truth is that these so-called “easy” treatments can only be completed quickly in the hands of an experienced orthodontist.

Pedro doesn’t use Six Month Smiles® or Fastbraces®, but if your diagnosis requires abbreviated treatment, he will provide you with the results effectively and efficiently. Pedro uses quality, reliable products to meet the needs and expectations of his patients as quickly as possible.

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meet patro

El Dr. Pedro es un ortodoncista especializado. Su práctica gira en torno a aparatos ortopédicos, aparatos ortopédicos y alineadores invisibles. Tiene mucha experiencia en el uso del sistema Damon y está certificado por Invisalign, Inman aligner y Harmony.

Publicó en revistas internacionales de ortodoncia (REO) y trabaja activamente en nuevas investigaciones. Ha completado cientos de casos y le gusta fotografiar cada caso para documentar las mejoras y la pasión que aporta a la apariencia de los pacientes.