Traditional Braces

Traditional fixed braces are the most common orthodontic appliance, comprised of steel, ceramic or sapphire brackets affixed to the surface of the teeth with a dental bonding adhesive.

Archwires are fitted to the brackets using metal or elastic ties and are gradually tightened to realign the teeth into a more aesthetically pleasing position slowly and gently.

Traditional braces are the most affordable orthodontic treatment system. They don’t alter the speech and often provide the best results. However, they are the least discreet treatment method, and a qualified dentist must remove them, so they are a permanent fixture for the duration of the treatment.

There are ways to make traditional braces less noticeable by using clear brackets, wires, and ligatures, but there are downsides. Clear brackets are more vulnerable to breakages, while clear wires and ligatures can stain more easily.
Children often like to customise these braces with coloured rubber bands to represent their school colours or show allegiance to their favourite sport’s team.

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El Dr. Pedro es un ortodoncista especializado. Su práctica gira en torno a aparatos ortopédicos, aparatos ortopédicos y alineadores invisibles. Tiene mucha experiencia en el uso del sistema Damon y está certificado por Invisalign, Inman aligner y Harmony.

Publicó en revistas internacionales de ortodoncia (REO) y trabaja activamente en nuevas investigaciones. Ha completado cientos de casos y le gusta fotografiar cada caso para documentar las mejoras y la pasión que aporta a la apariencia de los pacientes.